Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween, and goodbye wisdom teeth!

Yes, while everyone else has been celebrating Satan, or whatever Halloween actually means, I chose to have my two lower wisdom teeth removed. At least I thought I could save having to dress up - instead I'll just wander around with blood dripping out of my mouth.

I was delighted to say though that I'm in no fit state to scare anybody. I was very nervous this morning at 9am when I went to the dentist, mainly about the fact that I was having a general anaesthetic. I hate being knocked out during operations - I'd rather have a local and see what is going on so I know the job is getting done right! Anyway, they knocked me out and I woke up about an hour later and apart from the wobbles I felt pretty good. Steph came to take me home and then went out to get all my drugs. She's so good to me :)

So I've popped my antibiotics and my anti-inflammatories and this afternoon I even had a painkiller, but frankly I could have done with out it as apart from some aching in the sockets I haven't had any pain. It all just seems too easy! I'm an eternal pessimist so I'm still waiting for the hammer to fall (as Queen once said) - maybe tomorrow it will catch up with me!

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