Saturday, November 18, 2006

Don't drink the water...

So on Thursday we were showering and noticed that the water was a nasty brown colour, and smelled of dirt. We figured it was a problem with our apartment block, and would have spoken to our building manager that morning but they were not around. Anyway, when we got to work we found out that the dirty water had another cause. Apparently, torrential rains flowing into Vancouver's fresh water reservoirs have stirred up tonnes of sediment, leading to the nasty water quality. The health authorities have issued a Boil-Water Advisory, which means we have to use bottled water or boil it for at least a minute. As it is so full of dirt, you wouldn't really want to drink the water even after its boiled.

So its Saturday now and the water is looking slightly better, but not much. I've no idea how long this is going to go on for, but believe me washing up our pots has become an epic operation that takes several hours :/

One interesting thing I discovered on Friday - canned drinks don't do much good for you. Normally I drink pure water all the time, but on Friday I had to drink canned juice drinks and so forth. By the middle of the afternoon I had drunk about 5, and was still dry. That can't be right.

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