Sunday, May 20, 2007


It has taken me a very long time, but I am finally blogging about our weekend away (which was now two weeks ago). I'll keep it short, because I've got other stuff to do :)

Our friends Julian and Lisa came to stay for a week, and we went to Tofino on Vancouver Island for a long weekend. We rented a cabin in the forest to stay in, which was super-comfortable and cosy. This was a good thing, because for three of the four days we were away it rained literally non-stop. Sometimes it fooled you into thinking it had stopped raining, when actually it was just very light. It "dampened" our spirits a little (sorry), but we still managed to enjoy ourselves. The highlights for me were our barbecue in the rain, walking on the beach, and the soggy bear watching trip (soggy us, not soggy bears). I won't bore you with any more details - if you are interested then you can check out our photos here which will fill in the blanks.

1 comment:

LMR said...

This was definitely a fun weekend, despite the weather. Thanks for doing the planning, you guys! Love the photos too -- looks like a few of mine in there!

The comments had us practically falling off the chair with laughter!