Thursday, August 30, 2007

Tofino again!

We are off to Tofino for the Labor Day weekend. We are leaving around 7am tomorrow to catch an 8.30am ferry to the island with our friend Jon. On Saturday, more of our friends are making their own way - Laurie and Bob, Mark, and Colin and Jo. All in one car - that will be cozy! Some of us are surfing this weekend (which includes Steph, but not me), and the rest of us will do some walking I expect. Sadly, the weather once again forecasts rain. This will be the third time we've been to Tofino, and it has rained every time :)

We are leaving early on holiday Monday to come back. That is partly because the ferries are really busy and we could only get on an early one, and partly because we are going to see Crowded House in the evening. We got our dates a bit mixed up, but never mind. They changed the time and the venue at the last minute too. It was going to be at the Orpheum theatre, but because of the continuing strikes involving civil workers, the theatre is closed at the moment. So instead the gig will be outdoors in Stanley Park. That should be fun, although possibly a little damp if it is still raining. We'll see.

Have a nice weekend!

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