Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mini Film Review - Iron Man

Generally, I like super-hero movies because they are pure escapism and fantasy, and there aren't enough of those kind of films these days. Fortunately, Iron Man was one of the better films of this kind. The script was sharp and witty, and most of the main characters were well-written and interesting. I think Robert Downey Jr. pretty much made the film for me - he really suited his part well and did a great job. He was also looking very buff for his age - perhaps it's down to all the time he spends in prison :) Jeff Bridges was excellent too. I thought that Gwyneth Paltrow's character was a little one-dimensional, and unfortunately named (Pepper Potts??). She was also looking heavily made-up in the close-up shots. I guess she's not quite as young and smooth-skinned as she used to be. The computer graphics were excellent - it's rare these days that they aren't - and the film seemed well-paced with an exciting finale. Here's hoping they make another. Oh yes, and there's an extra bit after the credits, but it's probably not worth waiting for...

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