Saturday, May 02, 2009

Spring sunshine

A couple of months since our last post, and spring has arrived proper. We've had a few weeks of sunny days, although with some cold winds too. Still, the dry weather and sun has been most welcome.

Our big weekend in Whistler was absolutely great. There were 20 of us staying in three separate places, including one larger house where we cooked food for everybody on one evening - excellent fun. We completely lucked out with the conditions too, as the snow had been thin and hard the week previously but it snowed pretty much non-stop for the whole long weekend we were there, which meant lots of fresh snow every day - we couldn't have asked for more! I've uploaded a few pictures and a video from that weekend - wish we had taken more of our friends though!

Since then, we've been spending a lot of weekends out shopping for food, or cooking food, and always eating food. Yes, we love food. We've made some of our old favourites like lentil and turkey stews, some cracking pizza slices, and a fab mac and cheese. Steph also made a Linzertorte (a kind of almond tart with raspberry jam) that is gorgeous. Last night we also knocked up a lamb curry made from happy lambs from an organic butcher we discovered. Yep, we're not going hungry. Fortunately the good weather means we are getting enough exercise to stop us getting fat - I am still doing gym class twice a week, plus plenty of walking to work (about 40 minutes), and Steph has been swimming and taking yoga classes.

The allotment is coming along slowly. We've had some kale already which is nice in salads, and the garlic is growing very well. This month, Steph and her friend Marissa will probably harvest the remaining kale, and plant a bunch more stuff (vegetables and greens) that they've already started in pots, so fingers-crossed they will do well. There have been a bunch of failures so far, with some of the winter crops not coming up, but it's a learning experience so there's no real loss. I've uploaded some photos of how things are doing taken at the middle and the end of April.

Just this last week, my friend Matt who I have known for years has been visiting Vancouver with his friend Lee, and we met up one evening for food and lots of gassing about what we've all been up to. It was great to catch up after several years.

One last bit of photographic goodness with this post - some pictures and a video from a recent walk we took in Lynn Canyon Park.

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