Saturday, March 10, 2007

Visitors, diets, and conferences

About time I updated this blog I think! There's been lots happening in the past few weeks.

Steph's parents visited us for two weeks. The weather was not so good as last year - more typical of February really - lots of rain. We all managed to catch colds too, which wasn't so great. So not as active as perhaps they were hoping, and no ski trip to Whistler, but overall I think they enjoyed themselves. Oh yeah, and here are the photos we took while they were around (mostly the Chinese New Year Parade).

I went to get my gums checked out with a specialist as my dentist was concerned about how far they are receding. The specialist told me I need a gum graft to save my lower front teeth from eventually falling out. I have that booked for March 23rd now, and its going to cost me $1800 - ouch. I am hoping that the health insurance might cover some of it.

Steph and I had a week on a detox diet. It was kind of an experiment to see how it affected us. We were allowed fruit and veg, nuts and some kinds of rice but that was about it. It was tough thinking of things to eat sometimes, and preparing lunch for work in the mornings was a real drag (too much vegetable chopping!) but generally it wasn't too bad. I discovered I have a problem with chickpeas! This last week, Steph has been reintroducing foods to see if they have any adverse effects.

I however, did not slowly reintroduce my foods. I went to GDC instead! I flew to San Francisco on Tuesday, and got back late last night. It was very enjoyable - some really good talks, some not so good, but educational overall. Bumped into a few old friends along the way which was nice. Had a few nice meals too; I even went to an Italian restaurant called Kuleto's (just off Union Square) that I remembered from my American road trip holiday years ago, and it was still very good. I've been regretting those meals out since though - I think the jump from a super-healthy diet to lots of rich foods was too much for my digestive system, so next week might be a trip to the doctor :( About time, really.

Today is going to be laid back I hope - surprise surprise, it's raining (a lot). I might have to do some tax return stuff - I think I owe them a good chunk of money. Boo! This evening we are going to the theatre with some friends, and tomorrow it's off to Cypress for skiing etc. (snowshoeing for me).

That's all for now folks.


JCR said...

Buy a bottle of Sterling Chardonnay? Happy memories ;-)

James said...

Ahhh, that's what the wine was called! I had a good look at the menu, but none of them rang a bell for me. I remember it was good stuff. The restaurant was still top notch though.