Sunday, June 24, 2007

Gum watch part 2

I had the dressings taken out on Thursday when I returned to my periodontist. He was very pleased with the progress of the graft, and reckoned it looked like two weeks of healing rather than just one. Unfortunately, removing the dressings revealed that the roof of my mouth (where the graft was taken from) was still very raw. It was bleeding a little on Thursday, and since then has been improving, but more slowly than I expected. Even today it is too tender to touch things that I eat, which means I am still limited with my meals - nothing hard or sharp. I can at least bite my teeth together now, so chewing is possible again. I'm very happy that the graft itself has gone well though. I've also had good news on the financial front, as my dental insurance should pick up most of the cost. Hurrah!

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