Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Mini Film Review Trio

I'm getting behind with this blogging lark. Not last weekend but the weekend before, we ended up seeing three movies in a row on consecutive days. We hadn't planned to, but got invites from various people so it turned out that way. Here are my opinions.


This is probably the best CG movie I have ever seen. It looked totally gorgeous - flawless in fact. The animation is beautiful, especially the facial animation which blew me away. It's also a great story with a lot of good humour. I expected to like this movie, but not this much. I can't recommended this film highly enough - sheer genius. You must see it!


I like a good sci-fi movie, but sadly they don't make many so when a new one comes out I am always interested. So, is Sunshine a good sci-fi movie? Yes! Surprisingly good in fact. It manages to capture the feeling of isolation and vulnerability that made 2001 a good film, but combines that with a nail-biting suspense plot that builds continuously as the film progresses. The tension is thick in this film, and in a similar way to 28 Weeks Later I felt kind of exhausted after the film ended from the adrenaline and the stress I was feeling. I'm weird, but I like when a movie can do that to me. Oh, and the "sci" in this sci-fi movie is nicely done too - sort of modern technology plus, rather than crazy out-there stuff. Plausible for sure. If I have to criticize, the characters could have been a little more likeable, although I did manage to care about them nonetheless. Also, towards the end things get a little bizarre and stretch your suspension of disbelief somewhat. Still, if you like science-fiction then you'll probably get a lot from this movie like I did.


Last but not least: an adaptation of a book by Neil Gaiman. I haven't read the book, and I knew nothing about this movie before I went to see it, which is always great. It's especially great when the movie turns out to be really good like this one. The nearest comparison I can think of is probably The Princess Bride, but it is basically a comic fantasy. It's probably a little darker than The Princess Bride maybe. Anyway, it's a strong cast and if you are English like me you'll appreciate spotting lots of British comedy actors in the movie. The whole film has a very English feel about it actually. The jokes are funny, the action is satisfying, and apart from a few cheesy or predictable moments, the film delivers. Going to see a movie you know nothing about that turns out to be a great movie is one of life's little pleasures. Why not try this movie yourself?


Iain said...

Minor point, but Danny Boyle directed 28 DAYS later, not it's sequel.

James said...

Dammit Iain, you're right. Steph told me that too, but for some reason the fact won't stick in my brain. I will correct my mistake.