Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Steph's parents left last Thursday after spending a two week holiday with us. I think they had a good time (they certainly had some good weather), and we enjoyed having them to stay. Steph went away with them on a trip the week before to Powell River and Vancouver Island, and I've uploaded some pictures from that trip to Flickr. The weekend before they left, the weather turned a bit dodgy and we ended up doing a rather soggy walk out at Deep Cove, but it was fun nonetheless (pictures also on Flickr). We also had a superb meal together at Brix last Tuesday - it's been ages since we've been there but the food and service are still great.

Only a few days now until we are off to Hawaii - woohoo! So it's panic stations as we hurriedly sort out all the holiday-related stuff we've been putting off due to other things :) I'll be glad when the preparation is all over and we finally get there, as I get rather stressed out by at all - the opposite of what a holiday should be about!

In other news - we got ourselves an allotment! We went to a work day on Sunday again (our second so far) and there was a plot free so we got it. It's actually a triple plot and is 21 feet by 15 feet in size. Right now its a mess, though we spent a good couple of hours on Sunday cleaning it up a bit. There'll be more cleanup required before winter comes though, I expect. We're hoping that a couple of friends who are interested will help out too. When we get back from holiday, we'll have to post up some photos. Let's hope that next year we'll be eating lovely home-grown produce :)

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